Although our location may be new, the Glass Street Church of Christ is not a new denomination. For over 50 years this congregation has striven to be in the image and practice of the Lord's church which was established in 33 A.D. We have no denominational plea, but only in the name of Christ, desiring to help those seeking the true way of life. We have been, and always will be, simply Christians trying to serve God as we have been commanded and by example set forth in the first century.
The Glass Street Church of Christ is not Protestant, Catholic, or Jewish. We are not a denomination nor inter-denominational. We are not a social/recreational club seeking to entertain its members like many religions today. WHAT ARE WE? Simply Christians assembling together to follow after Christ under His rules as revealed in the Bible. Nothing more, nothing less. It is our sole purpose to be members of the Church built upon the blood of Christ Jesus as established in the first century. For that reason, we do not have, nor follow any man-made creed but use the inspired Word of God as our only doctrine.

For God to save one from their sins, it must be through an individual's obedience to the steps that God, not man, has set forth. Accordingly, we preach the salvation as set forth in the New Testament and practiced in the first century:
FAITH in Christ (John 3:16; Heb. 11:6; Rom. 10:17)
REPENTANCE of sins (Acts 2:38; 17:30)
CONFESSION of faith in Christ (Rom. 10:8-10)
BAPTISM in the name of Christ (Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:3-5; Gal. 3:26-27)
BE FAITHFUL unto death (Rev. 2:10; Matt. 24:13)
The same simple plan of salvation delivered by Christ and his apostles is the same one we teach and practice today.
Our primary concern is with the spiritual needs of each man and woman in this area - their needs for God, for forgiveness of sins, for genuine God-pleasing worship, and for pure lives that are in accordance to God's Word. We sincerely invite you to make an honest investigation of Christ's church in this community. Please attend any of our services at any time you are able or contact us if you have any question.